Welcome to the Wizard's Cup

37 players participated in this first ever Wizard Cup tournament! The Wizard's Cup is a The Dark, Fallen Empires and Homelands constructed tournament. The decks in this tournament are constructed only with cards from these sets (with the exception of basic lands).

The following cards are restricted in this tournament;

  • Maze of Ith

  • Goblin Grenade

  • Hymn to Tourach

  • Apocalypse Chime

  • An-Zerrin Ruins

  • Serrated Arrows


9 wins - 3 losses | by Shane

4 wins - 8 losses | by Keifer

10 wins - 2 losses | by Alexandre

6 wins - 6 losses | by Ted A


6 wins - 6 losses | by Nathan

4 wins - 8 losses | by Matt S

7 wins - 5 losses | by Abingdon

7 wins - 5 losses | by Xand0r aka David


7 wins - 2 losses | by Michael T

10 wins - 2 by Tim A

by Baron Nick


3 wins - 6 losses | by Croutonman

7 wins - 5 losses | by Bryan aka Portland

6 wins - 3 losses | by Matt H

2 wins - 7 losses | by Scathe Zombie Stu


5 wins - 4 losses | by Timmy

1 win - 8 losses | by Turn1Sengir


3 wins - 9 losses | by Martin P

6 wins - 6 losses | by Michael

Zeki's Revenge 🏴‍☠️

5 wins - 7 losses | by Frank


5 losses - 7 wins | by Gideon

4 wins - 8 losses | by Richard

3 wins - 9 losses by Koendert

Eron the relentless has always been the underdog, and has been the target of mockery for way to long So now after 25 years it is time to break the dominion of da big baron and his evil sengirs and mrs willow with her stupid fearies. It is time for retrebution! He brought his crazy weapons and he forged an unlikely alliance with the dwarves and promised them mointains filled with epic treasures. The dwarves who just have to much of a goldlust to say no to this sort of a promise, were ready to come out of the mountains and their holds and keeps to crush all who stand in their way of them and their treasure. After all this time the battlecrazy fellt like a good fight anyway. They even called in the help of the dwarven sea clans to deal with pesky old wizards, who might try some sneaky magic from the islands. They have been training goats and wolves to aid them in their battle. The luitanants even trained orggs to ride. And even some orcs, as mortal enemies, where enslaved to deal with some of the foreign lands. Together with the diabolic machines and catapults the are a force to be reckoned with. Let the qonquest begin!  All hail the great ERON.

10 wins - 2 losses | by Broodjesboer


4 wins - 5 losses | by Victor

5 wins - 3 losses | by Elmar