Friday Night at An-Havva Inn

"He, Marcus, finally, you’re late!"

"Yeah, Yeah, I know. Keep your voice down, my head hurts man."

"Another rough night at the Inn?"

"Yep, but great party, shame you missed it, you should have been there! You know the Alchemist Brothers? They ran the bar last night. They cooked this new schnaps, called it the 'Brainwash'."

"Oef, that sounds nasty!"

"Yeah, it was. They brewed it from some kind of roots in what they called an aeolipile or something. The folk were crazy for it! Even the Bureaucrats started to get noisy and let loose on the dance floor!"

"Sounds like it was a real Festival, damn shame I missed it."

"Man, the party really started when some soldiers crashed into the inn, all thirsty as hell! Turns out, their Lieutenant got them lost in the Maze and they ended up in the township. Real friendly, can’t remember where they were from though."

"Should have been let’s get going, the trees ain’t gonna fell themselves.."

"Oh man, haven’t told you half of it. You remember Rashka, that blonde girl? She got in a drunken arrow shooting match with some javelineers and pikeman. It was grant until a guy from the phalanx got shot in the backside! Lol, the whole place roared with laughter. Luckily, the soldiers had medics with them. Guy got patched up and got even more wasted after that."

"Man oh man, it went al downhill from that. At the end, even Autumn was swinging from the gargoyles. So yeah, be warned, next time, I’ll just stick to the ale!"