IITM: Musings of a resident

The Indian Institute of Technology Madras, located in Chennai (India), is a place with a very unique character. To begin with let me tell you this: no matter where you are from, you will be impressed by the people who inhabit this campus. An IITMite is cheerful, helpful, socially responsible, hard working and a person with a keen intellect. If you are scientifically inclined, you will certainly find at least a few people with your interests here. This is so because there is exceptional diversity of scientific activity happening on-campus.

IITMites are privileged to be in a very peaceful and calm campus. We exist in this microcosm which is somewhat separate from the rest of Bangalore. When you step out of the campus, the difference between campus and off-campus life-styles is abundantly visible. We are privileged, in more than a few ways. Hence we must give back to the human society in more than one way.

Conversations on-campus tend to be rich, and full of information exchange. One can learn a great deal through interactions with colleagues (students, faculty members, staff etc.). Topics discussed over the coffee table include nibble bits from various disciplines which include science, politics, policy making, history, philosophy, religion, and art. In that sense, IITM has a very "university feel" to it. However it is also quite different (and quite small) when compared to a regular degree granting university in India or U.S. This makes it possible for IITMites to know one another. If you do your graduate studies here, chances are that you will end up meeting most people on-campus, at least once, by the end of your degree.

If you have never been to IITM, I would recommend that you visit us. Especially if you are a science buff or a techno-geek, you will find kindred spirits hovering here!