Suggestions for high/middle schoolers and their teachers

Middle and high school is the time of one's life, when there is a danger of losing one's individuality. There is peer pressure that forces one to blend-in, and everything that makes you unique might be difficult to pay attention to. If you are unique, you are that way --- and you must never let go of yourself. If you always liked asking questions, please do'nt stop simply because you are "growing up". Asking child-like questions adds spice to one's life. Do not be afraid to accept your individuality, and please pursue your interests with great zest and enthusiasm. The world is metamorphosing into a space where individual skills and talents is increasingly gaining importance. Your skills and talents are important; please do not let go of it. 

If you are fascinated by science, it is time to heighten your interests. Do some experiments! Simple kitchen and garage experiments can be inexpensive, educational and fun. Please talk to your teachers about what simple experiments you do to convince yourself of basic science lessons learnt at school. Microscopes are great tools for heightening one's curiosity about the world of the "very small". Spend time looking at simple things around you (leaves, insects, feathers, rocks etc.). Nature will amuse you, and science will become irresistible! Believe me!