Suggestions for undergraduates

If you are an undergraduate passionate about science and engineering; talk to your teachers and engage in activity-oriented learning. You will appreciate all your lessons better, when you validate the theory you have learnt, with experiments. Empirical validation is at the very heart of science, and you must make it part of your own learning.

IITM has several undergraduate degrees, which are well established and offer very many flexible options. In fact for some of our select few undergraduates, we offer options to go for a dual degree program, wherein they get to work towards a thesis and earn credits towards a masters as well! Many outstanding and research-oriented, diligent students take these options up. 

We also have an integrated MA program, coordinated through our Humanities and Social Science colleagues. This is a wonderful program, and students of this program often emerge with a better perspective regarding who they are and their roles within our human society. 

If you wish to come over here for your undergraduation, you may find this webpage useful: At the moment, the institute has a thriving teaching-learning environment. Integration of theory and experiment is given significant attention in the courses developed on-campus. All my colleagues are active in research and interdisciplinary, translational research; along with strong focus on the fundamentals are hallmarks of our course.

If you wish to choose materials, chemistry or environmental science as a major; some of the discussions in these webpages may be of interest to you. Materials is my area of specialty, and you will get a "sneak peek" into the field if you read the recommended books, or browse the websites suggested below. Hope you enjoy learning about the science of engineering materials! You have a long way to go, and this is such an exciting time of your life. Let me wish you the very best!