Approfondimenti in inglese

Find out more about your bones and muscles, and about your five senses and the nervous system.

Let's find out the Top 10 facts about the parts of your body!

Organ systems song

Circulatory System Song

Top 10 facts about human respiratory system

The excretory system song

Human Excretory System

The human excretory system functions to remove waste from the human body. This system consists of specialized structures and capillary networks that assist in the excretory process. The human excretory system includes the kidneys and their functional unit, the nephron. The excretory activity of the kidneys is modulated by specialized hormones that regulate the amount of absorption within the nephron.


The human kidneys are the major organs of bodily excretion (see Figure 26-1). They are bean-shaped organs located on either side of the backbone at about the level of the stomach and liver. Blood enters the kidneys through renal arteries and leaves through renal veins. Tubes called ureters carry waste products from the kidneys to the urinary bladder for storage or for release.

The product of the kidneys is urine, a watery solution of waste products, salts, organic compounds, and two important nitrogen compounds: uric acid and urea. Uric acid results from nucleic acid decomposition, and urea results from amino acid breakdown in the liver. Both of these nitrogen products can be poisonous to the body and must be removed in the urine.

The skeleton dance (skeletal system)

Inside the skeletal system

What Are Bones Made Of?

If you've ever seen a real skeleton or fossil in a museum, you might think that all bones are dead. Although bones in museums are dry, hard, or crumbly, the bones in your body are different. The bones that make up your skeleton are all very much alive, growing and changing all the time like other parts of your body.

Muscular system

Did you know you have more than 600 muscles in your body? They do everything from pumping blood throughout your body to helping you lift your heavy backpack. You control some of your muscles, while others, like your heart, do their jobs without you thinking about them at all.

Muscles are all made of the same material, a type of elastic tissue (sort of like the material in a rubber band). Thousands, or even tens of thousands, of small fibers make up each muscle.

You have three different types of muscles in your body: smooth muscle, cardiac (say: KAR-dee-ak) muscle, and skeletal (say: SKEL-uh-tul) muscle.

The digestive system song

Inside the human digestive system

The human digestive system is a complex series of organs and glands that processes food. In order to use the food we eat as energy, our body has to break the food down into smaller molecules that it can process; it also has to excrete (or get rid of) waste.

Most of the digestive organs (like the stomach and intestines) are tube-like and contain the food as it makes its way through the body. The digestive system is essentially a long, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus, plus a few other organs (like the liver and pancreas) that produce or store digestive chemicals. Without the digestive system, our bodies would not be able to get nutrients from the food we eat or get rid of the waste products that food makes and we would soon become ill!

Top 10 facts about the human brain and nervous system

The human brain is like a powerful computer that stores our memory and controls how we think and react. It has evolved over time and features some incredibly intricate parts that scientists still struggle to understand.

The brain is the centre of the human nervous system, controlling our thoughts, movements, memories and decisions.

Our nervous system is the message centre of our body. Messages of the nervous system travel throughout the body to help the body function and stay safe. The nervous system is an amazing and complex network of cells that relay messages from all parts of our body to our brain.

The spinal cord is the main highway in which these messages travel. Messages can travel in such a short span of time so that it is almost immediate.

The nervous system song

Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells, With Diagrams

Cells have often been referred to as "the building blocks of life", which indeed they are. All forms of life, from simple bacteria to human beings, are made up of cells. What is remarkable is that, despite their apparent differences, plant and animal life are made up of cells that are actually the same in most respects.

The most important structures of plant and animal cells are shown in the diagrams below, which provide a clear illustration of how much these cells have in common. The significant differences between plant and animal cells are also shown. The diagrams are followed by more in-depth information.

Primary Cell Types

Creative Bioarray offers 35 human cell systems with over 160 different cell types. Moreover, we also provide our customers primary cells from over 13 types of other animals.

These cells taken from living tissue are extremely accurate as they are literally coming from the source and are available from many sources on the human body. These living samples can give extremely accurate information about the cells in vivo and give relevant information regarding the living systems.

Not only can Creative Bioarray offer such a wide range of primary cells of humans, but we also have a selection of primary cells of animals for comparative testing.

Hygiene Education Song