Chapters 16-26

Wild Robot Week 2

The Wild Robot, Assignment 2.1

Watch this Video:

Add Your Response to this Map:

The Wild Robot

The Wild Robot, Assignment 2.2

SHARE & Connect:

Journal Topic Week 2: Share

  • Record a video of yourself in which you talk about your response to this post. (choose Flipgrid)
  • Write a blog post in response to this post. (choose Padlet)
    • You can decide how many people see your post; if you want to keep it private, write in your journal, but if you want to share it write a blog post and add the link to your post on the Padlet.
    • You will get more views of your post by writing an interesting title, adding an image, and including an introduction in your post on the Padlet.

CONNECT & Reflect:

  • Read the responses left by other students, watch their videos, and explore the posts on both sharing sites (Padlet and Flipgrid).
  • Ask clarifying questions to grow the conversation, make connections, and leave quality comments on other readers' posts.
  • Reflect on how your thinking about your original post has changed, reflect on why your thinking changed, and then revise.

Flipgrid or Padlet:

The Wild Robot, Assignment 2.3

This video is 11 minutes long and some parts may be hard to understand, but it's a valuable message. Get what you can out of it. After watching the video take a moment to visualize the word "monster". Allowing your senses to take over-see the word, hear it, feel it. What does it sound and smell like? Think about what this word means to you and then share your perspective on either the Padlet, or the Flipgrid below.

SHARE & Connect:

Journal Topic Week 2: SHARE

  • Record a video of yourself in which you talk about your response to this post. (choose Flipgrid)
  • Write a blog post in response to this post. (choose Padlet)
    • You can decide how many people see your post; if you want to keep it private, write in your journal, but if you want to share it write a blog post and add the link to your post on the Padlet.
    • You will get more views of your post by writing an interesting title, adding an image, and including an introduction in your post on the Padlet.

CONNECT & Reflect: Notice how your perception of the word "Monster" compares to others on the Padlet or Flipgrid. How has your thinking about this word changed? How might what you have learned change how you "see" other topics that are not related to this text, like bias, injustice, or discrimination?

  • Read the responses left by other students, watch their videos, and explore the posts on both sharing sites (Padlet and Flipgrid).
  • Ask clarifying questions to grow the conversation, make connections, and leave quality comments on other readers' posts.
  • Reflect on how your thinking about your original post has changed, reflect on why your thinking changed, and then revise.

Flipgrid OR Padlet:

The Wild Robot, Assignment 2.4

During this week's reading, we learn a lot of interesting things about how different animals adapt to survive. Roz observes these animals and applies what she learns from them to her situation. Take a closer look at some of the survival behaviors that Roz learned from her animal neighbors. Read the three articles below and leave a Vlog on Flipgrid to share any new learning that you found interesting AND how that learning might help you by adapting it to a real life situation. Please feel free to end your video with an opossum impersonation!
