Before We Begin

The Wild Robot, Assignment 0.1:

Choose the format for your response: Flipgrid will allow you to record a video of yourself talking about the prompt, while Padlet will allow you type up your response. Both formats allow for you to share your thinking with an audience that extends far beyond your classroom walls. When you are posting, be mindful of that audience and speak (or write) in a scholarly way. Remember that this is a school assignment and not your social media account-don't say things that you wouldn't want your parents or teachers to read. The moderator will not approve inappropriate comments/posts, and you will miss out on the opportunity to have discussions and get feedback from students all over the world.

Flipgrid OR Padlet:

The Wild Robot, Assignment 0.2:

Click on the image (above) to access this multimedia text set.

Flipgrid OR Padlet: