About "The Wild Robot"

"The Wild Robot" is the story of Rozzum unit 7314. Roz is a learning robot who's shipping crate washes up on an island. Instead of learning to perform tasks more efficiently to assist humans in their daily lives, Roz must now learn to survive in a harsh environment. She learns many practical skills through observing the living things that inhabit the island. The most useful, and unexpected skill that the robot learns is to pretend. She becomes so skilled at pretending that there are points in the story where the reader begins to question whether she is pretending to be a living thing with emotions or if she is truly becoming a sentient being.

On a surface level, the story explores the topics of survival, friendship, and community; beneath the surface there are themes related to the treatment of outsiders, being part of a non-traditional family, and the consequences of climate change.

Universal Theme: Change

A universal theme is an idea that applies to anyone regardless of cultural differences, or geographic location. Universal themes are ways to connect ideas across all disciplines. It is a central idea about the human condition. It is a generalization about life or human nature; they deal with basic human concerns. A universal theme with generalizations can serve as the organizing element of unit of study.

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Ms. Marshall

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