July (2024)

Post Date:

July 1st, 2024

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i was trying to take a break from drawing to clear my head but i ended up quickly drawing Anomy from Anomaly Collapse instead. the bow was very hard to draw, and it still looks wonky, but im proud of it anyway  : )


I really tried to get another full drawing in before the end of the month. I did sketch after sketch, trying to get the posing right but I just couldn't. I think that's where I struggle most, and I'm not improving. No matter how much I get better at coloring/shading/effects, my work is crippled by my inability to think of or execute interesting poses or cool angles framing. The backgrounds feel more neglectable because I can do the mediocre ones I have now and scrape by, but I just cant pose properly and I don't know how to go about learning how to. with all that being said, I do like the pose I did for Anomy. It started boring as usual, but when I was drawing the bow it became more interesting because of the pose/angle. It's not the best, but its a lot better than my usual stuff. I wish I could do that more often.

Post Date:

July 3rd, 2024

Post Text:

YES, I DID IT! I DREW! First attack is a revenge.

I was drawing Leam at first, but I did terribly and restarted to draw Roxie (and ended up drawing Leam too anyway)


Up for this past 6am, I am so tired. I don't know how the original Leam (drawn before I gave up and drew Roxie instead) was so bad looking that I wanted to just give up and quit Art Fight, but then when I drew the little one on the right there I did it first try and I think it looks great. Wild. Anyway I'm happy with this art, and that'll hopefully get me motivated to do more Art Fight and not just stop.

Post Date:

July 10th, 2024

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Cinderace -

Another Art Fight attack (a revenge)! This is Faiya.

Sorry this took so long, it should've been done sooner.


I like this :)