July (2022)

Post Date:

July 5, 2022

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Getting some Sonic practice in because I forgot how to draw him over the past year. He's supposed to be running but I guess it looks more like an awkward jump, huh... (give me a break I drew it in a car)



Sonic The Hedgehog from Sonic The Hedgehog (wait... is that why the series is called that?)   


By "I drew it in the car", I was referring to the sketch of him. I believe I drew it while on a school-related trip to Chicago with some friends, I drew a shit ton of Sonic after this at the hotel, and digitalized this one when I got back.

We were in Chicago as me and Chieboars (my friend) entered basically a game making tournament and won 1st place in the state so we were competing in the nationals. We did not win :(

Post Date:

July 5, 2022

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"I may be missing my face, but even I could see you trolling." - Withered Bonnie (UCN)



dark mode friendly mintimus drawing? impossible! 


I still like this one. Withered Bonnie is my favorite FNaF Animatronic, and kinda always has been. Just a cool design. The shading on this one took a very long time but I still love how it turned out.

Post Date:

July 8, 2022

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Cinderace again (that's a soccerball at the top).

Hoping we get a new SV trailer sometime soon.



Yeeaaaah another Cinderace. This one's actually good, I think. Fun fact: this was my first post to do really good (by the standards at the time, it got past 150. the most I had before this was 38, and it happened randomly a few weeks afterwards while I was on vacation).


(I mean that in a nice way <3)

Post Date:

July 9, 2022

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i ripped her fucking arms off

(i will not finish this) 




I was trying to draw Braixen better so this was for practice. I posted it because I liked how it turned out, but I made one fatal (common, for me) error that made me unable to finish it. I drew it way too good without arms so I couldn't add the arms. :(

The second image went unposted I guess (unsure why), but it was my second attempt. They both look very nice, I think. I struggle drawing Pokémon accurately. Also digitigrade legs, which I somehow managed to do here pretty well.

Post Date:

July 9, 2022

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well, after several attempts, i finally got something i think is good.

funny fennec :)



the arms were not torn off this time. 


I lied, this one sucks in comparison to the other attempts.

Post Date:

July 17, 2022

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horrible crippling art block.

little umbreon



little guy 


Sequel to the tiny Gengar I guess, as this one is also super super tiny. He's cute still :)

Post Date:

July 29, 2022

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funny cephalopods (yes i did gloss up shitty sketches out of boredom)



Man, I suck at drawing Inklings. I still do, which sucks as I love them and Splatoon. The boy actually looks good in this, but the girl doesn't.

Post Date:

July 29, 2022

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finally finished a drawing.

here is a Cinderace in a sweater (because a fire type wearing a sweater in the summer makes sense)



Aw, I still think this one's super cute. The paw hands are cute. Also, I think I prefer the way the face looks even compared to Ash... You could say this is like a prototype version of her I guess.

Post Date:

July 30, 2022

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to contrast my previous doodle, here's a Sneasler (a Pokémon that lives in the frozen mountains) wearing a summer-time outfit.



I remember the face marking was really hard on this. I like it though.

Post Date:

July 31, 2022

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this is way edgier looking than I originally intended it to be, I am sorry. (Lucario)



i put lucario in a hoodie because i dislike drawing the funny metal shoulders (yes, you can judge me on that)  


This is absolutely a prototype Ingot. He started out wearing a green hoodie and the hair is similar. I'm sure I based his original design on this drawing in specific.

Post Date:

July 31, 2022

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another silly little sketch, I am bored.

I should probably get better at drawing Mario though.



you guys think it's called Mario Kart because they put Mario in it? maybe it's a coincidence.  


The cart turned out pretty good, actually. Mario... not so much. Never been good at drawing him though unforuntetly. I grew up playing Mario games but he's a human so I just can't do it.

Post Date:

July 31, 2022

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woah, sonic the hedgehog.

finally, I come up with something dynamic.

I am happy with this.



blue streak speeds by, sonic the hedgehog.  


I remember drawing this initially on my phone's Notes app and I thought "HOLY SHIT, FINALLY A GOOD POSE". Still like it. I uh... think I broke Sonic's neck though... Er, lack of neck? He doesn't really have one.