August (2023)

Post Date:

August 1, 2023

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Vaporeon -

Did you know that in terms of being late on drawing Pokémon for their respective days, Mintimus is the most guilty artist on Twitter? Sorry about that...


I genuinely enjoy Vaporeon as a Pokémon design in a completely normal way. It's cute. I think this is my first time drawing Vaporeon though (seriously at least), so if it looks odd then I'm using that as an excuse.

Post Date:

August 4, 2023

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I haven't drawn Note in quite a while. She was wearing this outfit in a dream I had recently, and I think it looks cool. I assume it's inspired by Frye from Splatoon.


The background is waaay too interesting looking for the drawing, I think. I was just sort of messing around for the sake of having something for the background. The gradient I made by fusing two together on accident, I think it's nice.

I want to draw more Note, she just isn't as popular as the Pokémon OCs are. I guess that shouldn't matter though, eh? I enjoy drawing her, so I shall.

Post Date:

August 8, 2023

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Roxanne Wolf -

I drew Roxy to celebrate FNaF's anniversary :)


I actually finished this a couple days ago, but I wanted to post it on the anniversary itself. I hate waiting to post finished art. Chica is cooler but Roxy is currently relevant so I drew her instead.

Post Date:

August 9, 2023

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Mega Lucario -

I tried to draw Ingot Mega Evolved


Man, Mega Evolution designs are complex. This was very hard to draw. It got better over time, but I'm still not too sure of it. I think the background came out really cool looking though. I should've really spent more time on the hair in the back though.  :/

Post Date:

August 10, 2023

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birthday  : )

now I'm gonna let out some REAL profanities. kids, cover your ears...



Last year on my birthday I had 35 followers. Oh how time flies...

Post Date:

August 12, 2023

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Scorbunny -

Ever since I posted that old "Ash as a Scorbunny" drawing, I've wanted to redraw it. Like literally immediately after posting I thought "wow it really doesn't look enough like a Scorbunny"

Hopefully I've rectified that! ^^

for Scorbunny Day


For comparison, the original is on March 2nd, 2023.

Post Date:

August 13, 2023

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Raboot -

It only makes sense to draw Ash when she was a Raboot as well (with some design tweaks). 

Hope you guys enjoy! ^^

for Raboot Day


This was sorta drawn quickly as I didn't have a lot of time today and I had a lot to do, I really should be in bed for work tomorrow because I have a long shift. I stayed up several hours late for this (worth it, it's cute).

Post Date:

August 14, 2023

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Cinderace -

I decided to redraw my very first Cinderace post. It ended up being significantly more interesting than I originally planned.

I made sure to draw this a few days in advance so I'd have plenty of time to work on it. ^^

for Cinderace Day


Boy this was rough, but so worth it I think. Going in, I was just going to reuse the pose from the original drawing (see April 17th, 2022) but a bit into the sketch I thought "y'know, this could be a lot more interesting." I struggle with dynamic poses, but I think this still came out good. I also finally recorded another timelapse.

Post Date:

August 16, 2023

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Drizzile -

Didn't have a lot of time, but I wanted to draw him again (I like his design a lot). I've decided to name him Wake.

for Drizzile Day


Oh wow, I didn't expect Wake to be popular. Anyway, this drawing made me love Wake's design even more and I would like to draw him again. Funny fun fact: Wake was originally sorta based on me, as I originally intended him to be a one-off character and didn't think I would like the design this much.

Post Date:

August 29, 2023

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another day, another drawing of Note without clean line art. she's also wearing a different outfit again.


This outfit was also based on a dream I had. The background is pretty lame but because of the pose, I didn't feel like I could do much with it while keeping the simple look I typically have. Besides, it's still not a super clean drawing overall so it doesn't need an overly complex background. The pose itself originally had the legs tucked under, but I struggled so hard trying to draw that that I was just going to cut it off at the thighs. Then I thought I shouldn't just give up that easy, and I need the practice on drawing legs, so I pointed them down like if she was sitting on a ledge. I really like how it came out.  :)

Post Date:

August 31, 2023

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Cinderace, Lucario -

Wow, it's been an ENTIRE YEAR since I first drew Ash and Ingot, and what a year it's been. I think I've improved as an artist since then, so I've redrawn that original to compare.

It's crazy that they were originally just one-off characters that I drew on a whim... but I just kept drawing them. They've grown so much since then, it makes me a bit emotional to think about.


Man, the shading on this was an odd struggle, don't know why. I made sure to record this one (using a new software). I figure if any of my drawings should have a timelapse, it's this one.

Oh, here's a good comparison image. The original has a certain charm to it for sure, I still love it, but I think the newer one is still better. In some areas, at least.

If you've been around for long enough, you may also remember me redrawing it back in December (back when I changed Ash's design a bit, mostly with the hair). I don't like that one as much, but here's it anyway for comparison sake. Ingot has clearly grown his hair out over the last year.