
Cinderace (Female)

Birthday: April 17th

A kind, but naive Cinderace. She is very optimistic and tries to see the good in every situation, though that will sometimes blind her and cause her to get into trouble. When she experiences extreme emotion (like excitement or anger), the soles of Ash's feet become extremely hot, to the point of catching fire in some cases. To prevent damage to the things around her, she wears special socks made of a fire-resistant cloth. When sad, her internal heat dims. Ash enjoys spending time with her family (Ingot and Ember) or playing competitive video games.






Ash as a Scorbunny was very energetic, and loved to run around in the forest. She enjoyed climbing trees and kicking flaming rocks to practice her aim.


Ash as a Raboot was very shy and closed-off, as most Raboots typically are. During this stage, her energetic demeanor turned to a more quiet one. While she still enjoyed spending time in the forest, it was more spent sitting around and taking in the atmosphere, as well as observing the various wild creatures inside.

Gigantamax Form

Ash once took a trip to Galar and accidently Gigantamaxed. $2.3 billion worth of property damage. She is not allowed in Galar anymore.