March (2023)

Drawings will be significantly less plentiful beyond this point. Sorry :(

Post Date:

March 2, 2023

Post Text:

[ Scorbunny ] #Pokemon -

YeAAh, scorbunny day. objectively coolest starter, your differing opinions are wrong.

so i drew Ash when she was just a little fire-kicking scorbunny (really cursed though)

#ScorbunnyDay #ヒバニーの日 


Pretty much immediately after posting this and when I got in bed, I felt a wave of regret because the eyes make her not look nearly enough like a Scorbunny. I wish I could go back and change the eyes. While I was in bed, I quickly drew another one on my phone with my finger and it was so much better, just because of the eyes.

Update: I actually have redrawn it now. It's on August 12, 2023.

Post Date:

March 10, 2023

Post Text:

[ Cinderace ] #Pokemon -

Happy #MAR10Day! Here's Ash dressed as Mario.

Apologies for the "break", it was involuntary (and possibly still ongoing). So busy, there's no time to draw, and I may of burnt myself out... ^-^*

Gonna try to get myself back into drawing, it's hard work. 


I originally had much bigger plans for this drawing, so I might revisit it. Might.

Post Date:

March 17, 2023

Post Text:

[ Lycanroc ] #Pokemon -

This was just supposed to be a sketch for practice sake as I haven't gotten to draw in quite a bit.

agh, no drawing time and im sick

#LycanrocDay #ルガルガンの日 


Hey it's that Lycanroc from before. I really like the way this drawing turned out.

Post Date:

March 24, 2023

Post Text:

[ Cinderace ] #Pokemon -

i cant believe Ash Ketchum died. 


see, its funny because the cinderace's name is ash and ash ketchums name is also ash. if you agree that this is humorous, please comment "mintimus please release the hostages, you dont have to do this" 


A couple people did actually say that. I drew this because it was recently announced that the next season of the Pokémon anime would not be about Ash Ketchum.