July (2023)


Post Date:

July 1, 2023

Post Text:

First attack for Art Fight! Her name is (coincidently) Ash.

I think it turned out really good (possibly one of my best!) ^^ 


I'm really proud of this one. It's a close friend (Crain)'s OC. The OC in question is actually a human, but he told me to make her a cat (so I'd actually be able to draw her).

for @Crain_lmfao

Post Date:

July 4, 2023

Post Text:

Raboot, Riolu - A Riolu only evolves into a Lucario after developing a close bond with someone...


I think this was my first time drawing a Riolu, so... yeah. I'd like to draw more of Ash and Ingot unevolved, I'd just need to think of some scenarios.

(for Riolu Day)

Post Date:

July 5, 2023

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Umbreon -

Attack for Art Fight, this one's Edward. Cool design, I love pinks and purples!


Umbreon is already a cool design for a Pokémon, but the magenta makes it so much cooler. That's possibly just bias though.

for @tartifondue

Post Date:

July 6, 2023

Post Text:

Goodra, Cinderace -

Hugging a Goodra is probably super slimy and gross, but they're so cute! You can't resist it.


I had initially sketched this nearly half a year ago, but never finished it. I came back to it and realized it needed to just be completely redone so I redrew the entire thing. Turned out a lot better.

(for Goodra Day)

Post Date:

July 8, 2023

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Sylveon -

Revenge attack for Art Fight. This is Aurora! 


I think the body on this one actually came out really nice.

for @AuroraSylveon

Post Date:

July 9, 2023

Post Text:

Art Fight attack: this is Fern!

The design is sooo cute ^^ 


The ukulele was super hard to draw, I stink at instruments. Still, I think it came out acceptable and the rest of the drawing is cute :)

for @flockfolk 

Post Date:

July 28, 2023

Post Text:

Friendly fire Art Fight attack: here's Jackie! I tried to have this done before I went on vacation, but it took longer than expected. Had to restart a couple times, but I think it was worth it ^^


for @Dapuffster