Immigration 101

understanding different immigration Status

U.S. Citizen - a person born in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, or Swain’s Island. Or an immigrant granted citizenship status by the United States, through naturalization that has a set of legal rights, protections, and responsibilities.

Permanent Resident - a noncitizen who has been granted the right to live and work, permanently within the US.

This residency card is also known as a 'Green card.'

Undocumented Immigrant - a migrant person who doesn't have official documents that are needed to enter, live, or work in a country legally.

Undocumented people may qualify for DACA.

DACA beneficiary - a person who was brought to the US as a child (Dreamer) that has temporary permission (renewal every 2 yrs) to live and work granted by the US.

Learn more about DACA here.

Temporary Protective Status (TPS)- an immigrant from an approved country, who is escaping violence / a natural disaster, and whom is granted permission to live and work within the US.

Learn more about TPS here.