Dream Act

Dream Act = Permanent pathway to citizenship for 3+ Million

DACA = Temporary relief for about 790,000 people, renewed every 2 years, at a $500 fee, but with no guarantees (meaning it can be taken away at any time)

The DREAM Act is a bill proposed in Congress, that if passed, would grant legal status to qualifying undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, or so-called Dreamers.

If the Dream Act passed it would also benefit 3+ million people including other groups of undocumented folks such as:

  • DACA beneficiaries
  • TPS beneficiaries
  • Undocumented folks (even those under deportation order)

It is important to know that Dream Act has NEVER PASSED.

Why is this important to know? Because there are people who prey on the immigrant community who take money from immigrants to apply for the Dream Act. Fraudulent notaries and take advantage of the undocumented. Be very cautious when trusting anyone with immigration matters and handing over money, especially notaries acting like immigration lawyers.
