Market objects

(4P strategies)

A marketing strategy is a business' overall operation plan for reaching people and turning them into customers of the product or service for creating revenue and profit. The marketing strategy of the company contains the company’s product value and demand, sale messages, promotion information, and to living convenience etc. Here the company used 4P (product, price, place, and promotion) to reach its market goal. In products, to advance the function and quality of product is the aim of the company, and the difference with other similar product is another key point to facilitate the market share. How about the price, for different requirements, the price will divide into different prices by the response from customers; there are high, medium and low price products for being as the option to customers. Where to sell the products, regarding to the channel, through distributors or online shopping mall are the potential candidates to us, the company has plans to each selling channel to sell our products according its characteristics.

1. Product Objective:

thEating Inc., like some of the most successful product innovation companies, will continue to strive for product innovation to stand out from the competition. The company will position its products to “living appliances with smart application”, by redesigned and recombined traditional living electric appliances, those living appliances will launch a new life to benefit people life, and this is the objective of company developing products.

2. Price Objective:

Two phases to price our product WDIRC, first during the phase of patent protection, MedHigh-end appliance is the objective of company pricing, and out of the phase, MedLow-end appliance is the objective of pricing. What’s the reason why the company pricing this; firstly at the beginning the manufacture cost is expensive that need to share with volume of sale; second this is an exclusive market with patent protection, so no significant competitions to compete with us; thirdly don’t let consumers to think a low end and poor quality product to be associated with our WDIRC product if we labeled a low price on the listing; finally once the patent right out of date, for keeping the competitiveness and market share, a medium low price to supply consumer use is a better strategy to share the market from competitions. If possible some model of WDIRC could be designed and packaged as boutiques to sell elite people, which to be like an iPhone series products.

3. Place Objective:

A successful launching of products is the first step to marketing, where and how to sell, that need to consider a market demand, diet culture, economic development and telecom infrastructure. Based on these conditions, firstly the company plans the order of product listing by countries as China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Thailand, United State and other countries etc., second what’s the channel of sales we plan to do, as you know to build a retailer system for direct sale is not an easy way to the company in a short period, so the marketing policy will use “two channels to sell this product, the one is to sell by a regional distributor”, this method is more easier to quick complete our sale goal; the other one the company hope to sell products through an e-commerce platform by itself or agent, that benefits the company to know the market trend and consuming behavior.

4. Promotion Objective:

Regarding the goal of promotion, it will divide into three steps to estimation. First is the beginning (at first year), the goal of promotion is to rise the reputation and awareness of product, the goal of sale is to share its local cooker or water dispenser market 20% sale volume, Second, since the listing one year, the goal of promotion is to share its local market 40% sale volume, and the finally to share its local market 60% since the listing three years. Due to this objective, the company hope to supply a preferential strategy such as buy one WDIRC get one WFR trying bag (1 kg), limited on sale, direct discount by price (20% off), or horizontal alliance with mobile phone seller, which will accord the sale volume to adjust a marketing strategy.