Welcome to thEating Inc., since 2018

(Experts on Automatic Rice Cooker)

Founder: PhD Ping-Hua Chang; theatings@gmail.com

Newest featured IOT-ECommerce Smart Cooking Appliance
(Exclusive patent and market)

Global market with big opportunities by WDIRC


Automatic Cooking Appliance combining with Water Dispenser and Rice Cooker, Automatic Weighting of Water and Rice, Automatic Scheduling of Cooking (Including Rinse, Cook and Stew), Multiple Storage Design, Wash-Free Rice use, No Drain Outlet, Saving Space, Saving Energy, Remote Control by a Smart Phone, Food Grinding Function, IOT-Ecommerce, Online Sales, Big Data Analysis, Social Media Management, Cross-industry alliance, Diversified services

Photocopy of proposal and slide

The front view of the photocopy of the startup plan by thEating Inc.,

The lateral view of the photocopy of the startup plan by thEating Inc.,

The front view of the photocopy of the slide by thEating Inc.,



thEating Inc., as a startup company, how to develop a sustainable and effective enterprise is important since it beginning, so what’s the spotlight of this company we created and what’s the mission we had, both they are the key points that we need to think and think more. We are an innovative company based on ICT (information and communications technology) to improve living quality of people particularly in smart houses and kitchens. Is it time to step in IOT, AI, robot, cloud service, and industry 4.0? We think it is, and everything connects to internet to share their information or data exchange for providing a comfortable and affordable living environment to human kind. The company thEating Inc. is right being this kind of enterprise. The company created an intelligent rice cooker with water dispenser function (named as WDIRC). By this appliance, it can solve the problem of without automatic and remote control in a traditional rice cooker; and it can be substituted a lot of traditional rice cookers and water dispensers by WDIRC. A new product not only creates a huge market of kitchen appliance but also makes profits. Moreover through cloud service, this company can offer data analysis to customers for providing customized service such as scheduling of rice cooking, food material supply, diet management, health promotion etc. This is a best time and chance for investors to spend their money in this investment, we trust with the time, the company will be stronger more, don’t doubt, and join us as soon as possible.

1. Brief

thEating Inc. (Chinese named as 樂宜亭智能家電股份有限公司) is a company which dedicates on designing, producing and applying of intelligent appliances in smart houses via IOT system. It was founded at March, 2018 in Taichung, Taiwan. The founder is Ph.D. BinVa BW Chang, who was born in 1967.

The road-map of our firm development is profiled as below

  • On the initiation the first year, the mainly focuse is on the prototype developing of “a water dispenser with intelligent rice cooker (WDIRC; also named as iCooger®; Chinese name is 智能煮飯飲水機/簡稱開飯機)”, in this stage it includes a prototype (hardware and software) of design, molding, finalizing and making.

  • Next the second year to the third year, a commercialized WDIRC device will be sold in the most markets, it includes to deploy selling channels (physical store and e-commerce) in the area of Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea and USA, to build the cloud service through APP application, to enhance the marketing.

  • After then in the fourth to sixth year (the middle stage), we hope to use this device for developing the e-commerce on the selling of cooking material like as rice, wheat, bean, grain and food material etc.

  • The long term aim (seventh to tenth year) of this firm dedicates on the innovation of new service and production by IOT applied.

2. Vision

What is the vision of the company? The vision is that the company expects “to lead the advancement of smart houses through a creative technology for getting a comfortable and convenient living”.

3. Missions

thEating Inc. is a startup firm dedicated on the innovation of smart device on cooking in the world. The mission of this company is to provide the people with comfortable livings in a house. Here below are the main missions to the company for creating its business model by LEAP or LEAD, the mission is “leap or lead for your living”.

What is a "LEAP" or "LEAD", it is shown in below.

  • Leader on the intelligent livings

  • Explorer on the internet of things (IOT)

  • Advancer on the cooking technologies

  • Promoter/Demonstrator on the eating cultures

4. Commitments

thEating Inc. is committed to the promotion of “BIG-PC” as below:

  • Business development friendly

  • Innovative value continuously

  • Green technology always

  • Product quality and service first

  • Corporate social responsibility dutifully

5. Core values

The core values of the company are “4HER”, that is to be honest, hard, humble, health, excellent, and responsibility, and they are listed and described as below:

  • Be Honest: be honest to our customers, employees and shareholders.

  • Be Hard: be hard work to our customers, employees and shareholders

  • Be Humble: be humble to our customers, employees and shareholders

  • Be Health: be health to our products

  • Be Excellent: be excellent to our products

  • Be Responsibility: be responsibility to our products

6. Logos

The logo of the company is shown in Fig. 1(a), easy and simple are the features and Fig. 1(b) is the logo of WDIRC (iCooger®). Regarding the brand, the name of brand we used Ricer (Chinese names as “芮氏”), it is shown in Fig. 1(c&d). Moreover, Xijiburger product is show in Fig. 1(e).

Fig. 1(a) thEating Logo

This is the logo of the company thEating Inc., designed in the year 2017 by the founder, we still design a new cooperation identification system (CIS) for customers to recognize our products.

Fig. 1(b) WDIRC Logo

This is the product logo of WDIRC (Water Dispenser with Intelligent Rice Cooker), the left means a water dispenser, and the other shows an automatic rice cooker, they are put together which means of a combination product to be presented here.

Fig. 1(c) English Logo of "Ricer"

This is the logo of the brand of WDIRC product, it is named as "Ricer", which means of people cook rice in their lives daily.

Fig. 1(d) Chinese Logo of "Ricer"

This is the Chinese logo of "Ricer" brand, its mean is a last name of Chinese people and easy to pronounce.

Fig. 1 (e) Xijiburger

This is the logo of "Xijiburger" , a brand for Chinese burger will be presented by thEaing Inc., that's a fast food restaurant with supplying Chinese burger to consumers, this restaurant will provide a fast, easy, comfortable and affordable (FECA) services for peoples.

7. On line comments

8. Guest book

If you have messages to the company, you can leave your message as below, we will contact you soon.

9. the Location

10. Contact us

you can contact us by E-mail or social media, the contact information is show as below.

  1. E-mail: theatings@gmail.com

  2. Contact person: PhD BinVa Chang

  3. LinID: binvax

  4. Cell phone: +886982542970

  5. Location: Taichung, Taiwan

By social media to contact us as below