Logos of thEating Inc.,

Here, the company thEating Inc., officially shows its logos which are used in social medium, websites, and documents. According to its brands, we have logos used in the company thEating Inc., the brand of WDIRC, the brand of iCooker, the brand of Ricer and the brand of Xijiburger, that we listed them as below.

1. Logos of the Company thEating Inc.,

Type E1

Type E2

Type E3

Type E4

Type E5

Type E6

2. Logos of the brand of WDIRC

Type W1

Type W2

3. Logos of the brand of iCooker

Type C1

Type C2

4. Logos of the brand of Ricer

Type R1

Type R2

5. Logos of the brand of Xijiburger

Type X1

Type X2