Golden rice as being
"Wash Free Rice"

Problems & Solution on rice cooking

1. Problems on the rice cooking

What's the problems of rice cooking, as you know when you want to cook your rice, you need to take a certain amount rice into a pot and to wash them with pipe water, after this you also have to add a proper level water for cooking your favor meal, this process is complicated and not suitable for cooking with automatic operation. So how to overcome this problem, that is the challenge always, even the industry technology is advance than ever, but this problem is no answer for this. Why the problem still is going on our life? the key point is that the rice is not used for an automatic cooking. However, in our life, we have a lot of example to show you that we can make it more easy, for example, the coffee bean that's you known, why we haven't this issue to getting, washing and cooking, and contrarily it make a cup of coffee by a simply operation. Here below a video shows the critical problem for how to solve this problem.

2. What's a solution for this problem

Rice is the key point to improve the process of cooking, so if we use "Wash Free Rice(WFR)" that we can simplify the process, without washing rice the process will become more easy and more convenient, the cooking process will be measuring and cooking two steps only. Figure 1 shows the brands of WFR searched from google search.

Fig. 1 Examples of wash free rice from google search

3.Videos show for rice cooking by WFR

4. How to make wash free rice?

Does it clean and safety, this question is very important for people to use WFR for cooking their meal daily, that needs to know the structure of grain and the process of manufacture of rice. The video shows the reason why the rice doesn't need to wash and rinse before you cooking, here the videos below show the manufacture of WFR made by rice factory.