





This House supports Free Immigration. 

WSDC 2011 GF: England vs Scotland

THBT governments should never bail out big companies.

WSDC 2010 GF: Canada vs. England

This House would lower the voting age.

WSDC 2009 QF: Australia vs Singapore 

THBT voting should be made compulsory in a national election.

WSDC 2003: Greece vs Singapore

This House would abandon nuclear energy.

WSDC 2011 OF: New Zealand vs Singapore

This House supports the Death Penalty

WSDC 2001: Israel vs SG

This House would ban alcohol.

WSDC 2012 R1: Slovakia vs. India

This House believes that the developing world should prioritize economic development before environmental protection.

WSDC 2010 R6:  Canada v Korea (part1)

This House would legalize the sale of human organs.

WSDC 2011 R7: Pakistan vs Singapore

This House support Affirmative Action.

WSDC 1997 SF: SG vs Eng 

THBT affirmative action policies are counterproductive in reducing inequalities. 

WSDC 2015 QF: SA vs SG

This House would not Prosecute Defamation.

WSDC 2014 OF: New Zealand v. Netherlands

This house supports a right to die.

WSDC 2015 R7: NED vs SG

This House would ban government funding of the arts.

WSDC 2008 R7: New Zealand vs Indonesia

THBT the police should use racial profiling when fighting crime.

WSDC 2012 R5: South Africa vs England

This House would penalize sporting teams for the poor behavior of their fans.

WSDC 2011 R8: New Zealand vs Singapore

This House believes that Universal Primary Education is a misallocation of resources for the developing world.

WSDC 2011:  SG vs Hol

Thous House would privatize public utilities companies.

WSDC 2007 QF: SG vs AUS

This House believes that slum tourism does more harm than good".

WSDC 2014 R5: Netherlands v. New Zealand

This House would allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for lighter sentences.

WSDC 2014 R3: SWZ vs SG

THBT the feminist movement should call for a ban on pornography.

WSDC 2012 R6: Moldova vs. South Africa