SUNY Online Resources

On this site you'll find some helpful tools and tricks meant to address common questions and concerns encountered during the process of getting a course ready to launch through SUNY Online.

Our goal as the SUNY Online Instructional Design team is to provide exemplary instructional design support to enhance students’ success in SUNY Online courses.

Feel free to explore. Reach out to your local campus ID if you have any questions and, as always, please let us know if we can be of any help. Below is a list of services offered by the SUNYO ID team.


  • Review SUNY Online courses and provide recommendations to ensure course quality.

  • Provide hands-on instructional design support for course development or revision.

  • Re-organize an existing online course to fit into SUNY Online course template to ensure consistency, proper formatting, and accessibility.

  • Complete course accessibility reviews, provide recommendations, and assist with addressing the issues or finding alternative solutions.

  • Work with instructors to develop multimedia resources to enhance teaching and improve student learning. We can work with the existing instructor videos and scripts, with the written text, or an audio file from instructor. Examples of previous projects include but are not limited to:

  • Course welcome videos

  • Module overview videos

  • Content specific videos or interactive learning objects

Training Resources

Other Resources

  • For technical issues in Blackboard you can contact the SUNY Online Help Desk.

  • Your campus’s lead Instructional Designer is the main point of contact for faculty teaching in SUNY Online. Reach out to them with any questions about course content, instructor / TA assignments, or when inquiring about any of the above. They will help route your question to the correct person.