Blackboard-Native Content Accessibility Checklist

The below list, while not entirely comprehensive, can serve as a useful starting point to make sure all Blackboard-native content is as accessible as possible to all learners.

  • Text is formatted with proper headings and default Blackboard styling to enhance readability and improve the structure of the content. Currently, Blackboard 'Heading' is an H4 element. (See HTML Formatting for more information)

  • Tables are not used for design purposes and use the simplest possible table configuration.

  • Tables are accessible, including row and column headers (where applicable), a title or caption, and do not have merged or empty cells.

  • Hyperlink text is descriptive and makes sense when out of context (for example, avoid using "click here"). (See Hyperlink Accessibility for more information)

  • Flashing and blinking text or images are not present (for example, animated GIFs and flash-based content).

  • Math and science equations are written using accessible software, such as the equation editor built into Microsoft products and Blackboard.

  • Color is not used exclusively to convey information or indicate an action (for example, "click the red button" or "green means go, red means stop").

  • There is enough contrast between text and background for the content to be easily viewed. For best contrast, use black text on white background.

  • Underlined text is avoided to reduce confusion with hyperlinked text.

  • HTML is 'clean', with no extra styling or residual tags from copy and pasting. (See HTML 'Cleanup' for more information)

Additional Resources

For more detailed information refer to these great resources on webpage accessibility: