Embedding Lumen OHM Content

Lumen OHM content is an excellent course resource that comes with e-text and formative and summative assessments. The textbook is usually embedded in the course to be viewable by students as webpages, which means that students may need more guidance for navigating this content. The chapters have titles but they don't have page numbers and all have the Next button so students may end up reading more or less than what is required. There are two options to help students navigate through embedded Lumen OHM content.

Option 1: Provide instructions directly in the course

Immediately below the link to the first page the students will read, add text that informs them how many pages to read and specific information about when to stop. For example: "Read 5 pages; begin with (insert page one title) and end with (insert the title of the last page), as shown below.

This option may not work well if each module has a lot of separate chapters and activities in between and/or more than 4 or 5 web pages included in each reading as it will be hard for students to remember all these additional reading directions.

Embedded OHM activities providing detailed description of what to read within the embedded content

Option 2: Reach out to Lumen to have Stop pages added directly to the OHM content

Note - you need to reach out to our Lumen contact directly instead of submitting a ticket as this request is more technical.

Work directly with Lumen to produce a custom copy of the text that includes Stop images on the pages you determine students should stop reading. These pages will be added directly to the OHM text as shown below. The text on the stop pages can be customized.

OHM etext table of contents with stop pages added throughout

OHM text with chapter titles and stop pages

Example stop page

Example stop page