Adding Readings and Resources

According to the SUNYO template, module readings and resources should be added as links or attachments to a Blackboard item titled 'Readings and Resources'. In the text field, add 'Required Readings and Resources' as a heading. Add 'Optional Readings and Resources' if applicable. Keeping all the readings and resources together at the top of the module helps students estimate the time required to review them before starting the learning activities and helps instructors to keep them updated.

Note: Add Readings and Resources as a Blank page if they are numerous.

Format Text: "Required Readings and Resources'

  1. Highlight the text.

  2. Click the Chevron next to the word 'Paragraph' in the contextual menu.

  3. Change 'Paragraph' to 'Heading'.

Repeat if applicable for 'Optional readings and Resources'.

List all readings and resources under the appropriate heading.


  • Begin with the course textbook if applicable; include chapters or pages, etc.

  • Use meaningful title text for each item on your list – in other words, no URLs. See the page on Hyperlink Accessibility for more information.

  • Video considerations: ensure videos are captioned. Include a transcript for any video that is not captioned. Add the video's approximate duration in parenthesis after the title.

Check out the page on HTML formatting for more information.

Add attachments to Readings and Resources

Attachments include external resources like ppt, docx, and pdf files, among others, that you might upload to the course.

  1. Highlight the appropriate text on your list.

  2. Click the 'Insert File' icon in the contextual menu.

  3. Browse for and select your file.

  4. Click submit.

*Note: by default, attachments open in a new window.

Add links to Readings and Resources

This information is useful if you'd like to link to external resources that are hosted on other sites. This might include a helpful website, an article on another page, or a YouTube video.

  1. Highlight the appropriate resource title text on your list.

  2. Click the 'Insert/Edit Link' icon in the contextual menu.

  3. Add the URL next to 'Link Path'.

  4. Click the chevron next to 'Target' and select 'Open in a New Window'.

  5. Click 'Insert'.

  6. Click 'Submit'.­­­­