Our Events

Join us as we learn how to develop wellbeing and resilience together at university. There'll be workshops to discover yourself, craft and tea sessions to unwind, and most importantly, a positive supportive environment you can feel comfortable in. Check out our upcoming workshops and events below:

Semester 2 2023/24: Craft & Chat

RWB's is back with our craft and chat!! Join us every other Wednesday for an afternoon of sharing thoughts and handmade creations. Smiles and good company included :)

Time: 1-3pm


Semester 1 2023/24: Craft & Chat

RWB's latest addition...relaxing crafts whilst discussing our student experiences! Join us every other Wednesday for an afternoon of sharing thoughts and handmade creations. Smiles and good company included :)

Venue: PS/B/202

Time: 1-3pm


Past Events:


We celebrated self compassion by providing a space for students and staff to submit photos or descriptions of what they did to show love to themselves. Prompts included: taking yourself out on a date, at home spa day, buying something nice for yourself etc. We received some amazing submissions and were glad to see everyone showing themselves some love! 


To celebrate the end of exam week, we put our thinking caps on and got to work with these riddles! A new one was released each day and the grand finale on Friday led to a secret surprise :)

University Life and Settling into University

A brilliant event hosted by our student wellbeing officer Daisy Whitwood, all about making students feel at home and settle into the overwhelming experience that is University. You can find the workshop slides here or on the resources section of this page. 

Craft and Chat: Origami Support Animals

Our very first Craft and Chat session put our creativity and resilience to test as we learned how to make our very own origami support animals! We made origami horses, dogs, turtles and more. Check out some of our amazing creations featured here. 

Craft & Chat: Crocheting Pumpkins

Halloween is just around the corner and of course, we had to make something with pumpkins for the spooky season! We had a great time learning the basics with the amazing help from Ali Thompson who led us through the process step by step. We went home hooked to our cute creations and eager to crochet more!

RWB Workshop: Staying Motivated at University

We welcomed back our Student Wellbeing Officer, Daisy Whitwood, for another amazing workshop. This time, we talked about staying motivated at university and how best we can cope with staying passionate and on top of things. 

Craft & Chat: Keychain Making

We had a blast decorating these keychains based off our favourite uni memories! Of course, the addition of glitter made everything ten times better. It was a wonderful way to reflect on the good times at university and have a physical way of remembering it. 

Craft & Chat: Wellbeing Boxes

One of the cosiest sessions we had so far... making wellbeing boxes! We recycled old shoeboxes and dressed them up in colourful wrappers and embellishments. Filling them up with all our favourite things (hot chocolate, snacks and more) made us so happy :)