Past Events

Past Events: 

Being A Global Student - Learning In A Different Language

We organised a talk by Dr Angela de Bruin followed by a student panel where we discussed learning in a different language at university. We shared tips on studying, making friends and more! 

Cosy Christmas Chat 

Some fun to end the term.  We invited everyone to bring their favourite mug, enjoy a hot drink, and engage in thrilling conversations with theirs peers!  There is nothing like a mug of hot chocolate to bring everybody together. 

Movie Night 

One of our favourite events to host! We created a cosy cinema on campus with delicious snacks and a wide selection of films for everybody to enjoy! 

Pizza Party 

A Mouth-watering event where we all came together for a slice-tastic extravaganza. It was a cheesy and delightful evening. 

Presentation at the Decolonising and Diversifying the Curriculum Symposium

The students behind the development of the Intercultural Committee presented on the development of the Committee at the University of York's Decolonising and Diversifying the Curriculum Symposium. Please see the poster that was presented can be found below: