Past Events

Decolonising and Diversifying Workshop: Sciences

The Psychology Department celebrates Black History Month!

As part of Black History Month, we invited Dr Nadia Jessop to talk about her research on the lack of representation in psychological research. Dr Jessop spoke about the implications of having a lack of diversity and how this affects research in general.

We also invited Sharon Prince to talk about her experiences as a Clinical Psychologist and her important work with the Psychological Professions Network. 

Black Male Experiences in Elite Universities

Dr Constantino Dumangane Jr discussed the reality of Black males at higher education institutions, and the barriers they face. 

Decolonising and Diversifying the A-level Curriculum

Live Recording of our second event:

In this talk, we look at the shortfalls of a non-inclusive A-Level curriculum, and the consequences this might have on aspiring BAME students of psychology.  


Psychology Around the World

Live recording of our first event:

In this talk, we highlight the reason for our initiative. We look at Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia, demonstrating the vast amount of research from these areas and why psychologists from these regions are not well known compared to psychologists from the West.  



Meet The Committee Event: 

A wonderful event, where everyone from each committee came together for some games, conversations and all around fun. 
