Why SSL Certificate Is Necessary For Website

With an increase in the usage of technology in our day-to-day work, there is an increase in risk of personal information being misused. We do most of our work online, like online shopping, managing our bank accounts, sharing our personal information via login forms, passwords etc. Now the main concern is how to protect this sensitive information from hackers. SSL is the most effective and reliable solution for this problem. SSL certificate provider issues a digital certificate to the individual or the company/organization only after verifying its identity. Each site is provided with a unique SSL Certificate for identification purposes.

How to install SSL Certificate?

SSL Certificate is normally installed by the company that provides the domain but installation can also be done online. SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer and are used to provide security by encrypting the information that is being exchanged between a website and an internet browser. Single domain SSL can only cover one domain or sub domain but if there is a requirement for multiple domains,wild card SSl certificate are used.

Difference between SSL and EV:

For much higher level of security, EV Certification is required. It is at present, the highest form of SSL Certificate. EV stands for Extended Validation. This certificate is used for https websites and software that provide the legal entity controlling the website or software package. To obtain an EV certificate, there is a requirement of verification of the requesting entities by a certificate authority.

Since EV SSL is a higher level of certification, for verification of the company,the owner of the website has to go through globally standardized identity verification process in order to get exclusive rights to use a domain as well as to confirm that it is genuine and legal, operational and existential.