What Is The Use Of SSL Certificate For Smartphones

Smartphone has become an integral part of our day-to-day life. From the basic need of making phone calls to texting, shopping online; the importance of a smartphone has multiplied. It is the most convenient way of connecting with people and therefore, has almost replaced desktops. So Most of the business owners are working towards the development of their websites so that it can be viewed on each device; tablets, smartphones, desktops, etc.

SSL Certificate For Smartphones:

With SSL certificate, smartphone users can enjoy optimal protection while surfing the internet but this is only applicable if the certificate is compatible with the smartphone you are using else the user will receive an error message. Note that the certificates that support micro browsers are compatible with smartphones and around 99% of the SSL certificates are smartphone compatible.

Using SSL Certificate For Smartphones

SSL certificate is mandatory for website security as it helps in protecting data from unknown and unauthorized third parties. It will encourage your customers to transact with your company. This will not only help you retain customers but also build customer loyalty and business goodwill. The key points to secure online transactions are:

SSL secure Site seal: It is visual stamp and is displayed on home page of the website. This site seal signifies security, credibility, and reliability. Secured transactions and data security are indicated by displaying it on the website. In other words, we can say that it is safe to transmit your personal data on the sites having ‘SSL secure site seal’.

Green address bar: EV green address bar is enabled for every site that has Extended Validation SSL certificate. This green address bar gives visual assurance of Internet security. This helps in gaining the trust of customers and also affects conversion rate of the site.

High level of encryption: Algorithms are used to encrypt data, which is then transferred through an encrypted link to provide high-level security. Encryption algorithm converts data into a non-readable form, which is not easy to understand, which further makes data transfer via Internet secure.