What is Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA)? Do I need CAA?

CAA is a security measure or in simpler language, it is a standard that is designed to basically protect websites and help in preventing unauthorized SSL certificate. Certificate Authorities (CAs) is the powerful entity whose job is to make sure that every single SSL certificate is authorized by using different methods of domain validation.

How To Create CAA Record

With a specific end goal to make a CAA record, DNS (Domain Name System) supplier must be reached. List of CAs that you incline should be given with the goal that unapproved CAs can not issue SSL Certificates to your domain. If you didn't give your favored list of CAs, it consequently offers an ideal to each and every CA to issue SSL certificate to your domain, which can result in misuse of your domain by some other party.

Need For CAA

As advantages of Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) are clear, next thing that hits our minds is "Do I require CAA?". The appropriate response is clear.YES, we especially require CAA. As we probably are aware CAA records are utilized to check the realness of CAs i.e. which CA is approved to issue SSL certificate and it gives an enormous amount of security from hackers. It likewise offers rights to the domain owner to bar specific CA. CA can't issue any Comodo SSL certificate without validation. As it were, we can state that CAA can bring down the risk of issuing the SSL certificate by unapproved Certificate Authorities (CAs).