Does Your SSL Certificate Suitable For Following Questions

Finding an authorized provider and getting a real SSL certificate is becoming difficult day by day, as there are a lot of players sitting in the market to cheat you. Not only this, but there are thousands of hackers with preying eyes looking for an opportunity to dope SSL provider. These hackers with malicious intentions always look for the flaw in security clearance procedures, in order to make some easy money.

This list of questions will help you in finding whether the SSL provider you have chosen is genuine and is actually what he is claiming to be. It will also help you understand the level of protection being offered to you for your e-business.

1. Do they offer variety of SSL certificates?

SSL certificate is categorized into three main categories depending upon the level of encryption. It totally depends upon your business type and requirement, which certificate to choose from. It is SSL provider’s responsibility to understand your requirement and issue appropriate SSL certificate, which is right to provide security level you require and fulfill your business’s requirement.

2. Do they provide after sale support whenever required?

The Installation procedure of SSL certificate isn't as simple as you may think. It is a confounded procedure, which now and again needs some sort of specialized help. It is hard to finish the procedure of establishment without the help of certificate supplier. Indeed, even assistance from certificate supplier is required for restoration of these certificate while existing certificates are going to expire. So it is imperative that the live live supportive network is continually working for giving moment support to its clients.

3. Does certificate providers have valid EV certificates?

EV certificate is an Extended Validation Certificate, which is a type of SSL certificate. It offers the highest level of online protection as compared to other categories of SSL certificates. EV certificate maintains a list, which contains the following credentials of a business:

Physical address

Phone number

Official E-mail ID

Other important details about the business

This list ensures the legality of the business in the virtual online world. These certificates are not easily granted. Background checks are necessary before issuing these certificates. So, before going for an EV certificate, it is important to ensure that your certificate provider provides valid EV certificate.

4. Is SSL certificate their prime product?

In some cases we disregard such minor things however it does make a difference with regards to Internet security. If your testament supplier predominantly centers around SSL authentications, this guarantees better administrations will be given. A portion of the SSL suppliers may offer you the combo of specific items alongside the SSL certificate and will guarantee you that this will be more valuable. Yet, what they guarantee is route past the real world. So ensure that your certificate supplier's prime item is SSL certificate . This guarantees quality online security.