How To Secure WordPress Website

WordPress is web publishing software you can use to create your own website or blog. Since it was released in 2003, WordPress has become one of the most popular web publishing platforms. Today it powers nearly 30 percent of the entire web — from hobby blogs to some of the biggest news sites online.

Around 20,000 websites are blacklisted every week globally because of malware or any other security threats or violations. Every website owner should be aware of security threats and should be able to keep his/her website away from such threats for smooth running of website.

How Does WordPress Work?

Since the long periods of the Internet, sites have been made in programming dialects like HTML, PHP, and CSS to design content, make page formats, show pictures, and so on.

Your internet browser at that point peruses this code, deciphering those labels to render and show the substance of a specific page.

Be that as it may, today, you can introduce the WordPress programming individually web server in around 5 minutes. Once introduced, you'll sign into your webpage utilizing your most loved internet browser, and after that utilization a basic manager to make website pages — without learning how to code. There are notwithstanding facilitating organizations like and other people who introduce WordPress for you, and empower you to begin assembling your site with only a few clicks.

We will now discuss about few WordPress security topics:

Password: In order to stay away and secure from hackers, it is important to make use of unique and strong password. A strong password makes it difficult for hackers to crack it. Make sure that the password that you use is not used for any other account. If you cannot remember different passwords, use any of the professional password managers to remember your password and keep it safe.

Hosting WordPress: Hosting service is the most important role played by WordPress website. A reputed and shared hosting provider takes some important measures to protect servers against common threats. In share hosting, server resources are shared with other customers and this increases the risk of cross site contamination which makes it easier for hacker to hack your website, if he/she succeeds in hacking any of your neighbor’s sites. Whereas, managed WordPress hosting is much more secure and it also offers automatic backups, updates as well as advanced security configuration.

Web application firewall: WAF (Web Application Firewall) is one of the easiest ways to secure and safeguard your website. Almost all the malicious traffic or malware can be blocked by the use of firewalls even before they attempt to reach the website you own.

Updating WordPress: When we talk about Wordpress websites, it comes along with hundreds and thousands of plugins and themes. It is important to keep these plugins and the website updated in order to keep the website secure. These themes generally come from third-party developer and are updated and released on a regular basis.

Backup solution: Backup is one of the most important defenses against any kind of WordPress attack, as your website can be restored completely even if it has been attacked. Although you might have taken best security measures to run your site safely but, nothing is completely secured. So it is important to install backup plugins.

Security modules: After reinforcement, next thing is security modules which is critical to protect the site. Security modules review and screen your site and will monitor different things like fizzled login endeavors, checking of malware and so on.