Features Provided By Comodo SSL Certificate

Comodo SSL certificates were favored by an immense demography of site owners even before the ranking them. This was because of trust and Internet security that the brand gives solid encryption. Comodo managed how to surpass its nearest competitor 'Symantec Corporation' in 2015 to wind up a worldwide pioneer. Let us now discuss the reason for such a huge success and various features provided by Comodo SSL certificate.

1) Worldwide Recognition

Comodo has managed to become the household name for computer security (internet security) over the period of time. Comodo came into existence in the year 1998. Since then it has grown exponentially. With around 85 million installations across the globe, Comodo is successfully ruling the global market. Over 50 million people are using various Comodo brand products, such as

  • Antivirus
  • Firewalls
  • Internet browser
  • SSL certificates

2) Freedom Of Choice

Comodo group believes in constant need of innovation and experimentation to cop-up with the world.Various features provided by Comodo are

- Free trial for 90 days with various benefits such as:

  • Testing new site’s SSL security certificate
  • Avoids security laps if current certificate is expiring
  • For 3 months, hassle free website protection

- Comodo’s free SSL comes with:

  • No risk
  • No commitment guarantee

3) Technical Competency

  • Comodo legitimates website before issuing SSL certificate by staying close with CA Security Council and makes sure that all the industrial standards are met. Comodo’s certificate issuing department investigates how genuine the website is before issuing them the SSL certificate. Keeping On-Time issuance in mind does this.
  • Comodo SSL protects website with 2048-bit signature or 256-bit encryption.
  • Comodo has maintained comparative low prices and better service over years, which is a win-win situation for a customer.
  • Comodo is an infallible CA and has successfully provided quality products like:
  • Internet security site
  • Endpoint Security to enterprise client
  • Comodo certificate manager.