Unrealistic Expectations

If not all, many influencers post stories and images, showing off their jaw dropping physiques year round. Don't lie to yourself. You want to look like them too. Seeing others with amazing body's makes us regular teenagers think that we can also achieve those abnormal bodies. 

While it's good to have role models and goals to chase after, the extremes body standards that are set by society, places too much pressure on people. 

We feel like we're worthless. 

We feel like nobodies.

We feel like we should change ourselves.

I have also felt this way. But the question is, should we really go out of our way to dramatically change ourselves to fit amongst others?

To put it simply no.  No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to achieve these alien like bodies. It comes down to our genetics. 

Everyone has different genetics. Unfortunately it's a hard truth that not everyone knows nor accepts. Genetics are everything when it comes to the body. We cannot change the biological blue prints of the body by trying to eat or train in a unorthodox manner. We just have to accept it. 

Some people are round, rectangular, triangular and etc. There are so many body types. Guess what? It's okay to be different. Imagine if everyone looked the same. That'd be pretty weird. 

You're body is the only body you have. Sure there are things you can't change but you can always improve. And when you improve, you'll show yourself that yes you are capable of change and you can become better. 

And that's what's the most important, becoming a better version of yourself and becoming more confident.

Will Tennyson is a great example of this.  He started out as a overweight teenager and became obsessed with losing weight. After losing so much weight, the numbers of the scale was all he could think about. Looking at him, you could not call that healthy. What did he do? He researched and learnt from others. Now he's extremely healthy and happy because he is doing what he loves, educating others on what it means to live a healthy life where there's balance. 

I'd just like to reiterate that you have to accept your body. Don't worry about what others look because we are not all the same. Watch videos, ask for advice and continue on your journey's of self acceptance. 

Best of wishes, we're all going to be great! 

Check out this crazy transformation of Will Tennyson.

He's been through it all and share's his experiences and how his journey has impacted him.