What is the SRC? 

In the past, I've been an active member of SRC but I never actually knew  what SRC meant - or even what it is. If you're curious, scroll down and find out!


“At Braybrook College, we take pride in our SRC, which actively builds and empowers student voice to help contribute to the influential decisions made about the school. You can help give rise to the goals, concerns and views students may have by joining our weekly portfolio meetings on Wednesday lunchtimes in B1-B6, or even contacting one of our executives! As a collective, we hope that this year we will create an inclusive, driven group of people that YOU can be a part of. WE are YOUR voice.”

As a team, we all work together to ensure that SRC is a success, so making sure you put your part in is important. 

Wendy Quach and Laura-Rose Boden



SRCs represent the views of a cross-section of students from different year levels, cultures, backgrounds and talents. A broad spectrum of views and values held by the student body enhances representatives’ understanding of issues that are important to young people. 

SRC may contribute to policy development on issues such as student engagement and curriculum. On an individual level, students involved in SRCs can learn immensely from their experiences. SRCs can teach young people to be confident in public speaking, presenting and communicating with others, building on those skills learnt in the classroom.

SRCs give students the skills to create and to implement, to lead and to follow, to learn from mistakes and to succeed. Most importantly, they give students the opportunity to represent the views of their peers, and to succeed in making those views heard. 

Bottom line is, if you want to make change, join SRC and consult your portfolio heads :)