Meet the Team

Executive Team

Our executive team consists of a great group of individuals who are hard-working, conscientious and committed to making change for the school community. We are YOUR voice.

There is SO much that goes on behind the scenes and we thank the Executive team for their time and commitment 💪💪

Check us out :-)

Laura-Rose Boden


Hello Everyone! My name is Laura-Rose and I am the Co-president for SRC this 2023, alongside Wendy. My goal for this year is to promote student voice, encourage others to be a part of SRC and to focus on the wellbeing of the students attending Braybrook College. I want to make our school a better place for our students to feel welcomed, appreciated and most importantly for them to have a voice for our school community!

Wendy Quach


Hello Everyone! My name is Wendy and I am 2023's SRC Co-president along side Laura. My primary goal for this year is to enhance student voice, promote leadership and act on issues that may not have been able to be addressed in the previous years. Please come along and join in as we, as a student lead organisation, make changes for the better at our school!

Jecka Angela Gloria

Vice President

Hello everyone! My name is Jecka and I am the SRC Vice President of 2023. My role entails working closely with the presidents to oversee and monitor the different portfolios during meetings. If you have any ideas you want to be heard, feel free to come approach us as our primary goal is to let students' voices be heard to make this a successful and meaningful year for our school community!

Katie Vo


My name is Katie Vo, and this year I have the responsibility of being SRC's secretary. Not only will this put my organisational skills to use, but also help me learn new things about working collaboratively with others. I am looking forward to this new experience, and will ensure that SRC will be running smoothly.  

Jamie Hang

VicSRC Ambassador

Hey everyone, my name is Jamie and I'm currently in year 11. I've been in the SRC for quite a while now and am very excited to be a representative of Braybrook College as a VicSRC ambassador. My role will consist of collaborating, communicating and learning with other students from schools across Victoria as to how we can improve our own school communities and empower students. If you'd like to raise any issues or ideas on how we can improve the school please feel free to contact me or the leadership team. I hope to apply the experience from the VicSRC Congress within our school and promote a positive change within the education system so please join me!"

Jamila Mezensoff


Hello!! My name is Jamila M, and I'm the current head of publicity for the SRC. I'm always happy to lend a helping hand and satisfy your advertising needs. 

Ngoc Phuong Nhi Canh

Fundraising Portfolio Head

Hi! We are Han and Nhi (Mary) from year 11 and our position for this year is Fundraising Portfolio Head. In 2023, with all the members of the Fundraising Portfolio, we hope to achieve many meaningful goals and raise lots of money from different interesting activities such as casual dress day and SRC day to contribute to the charity that will be given to those who need it. 

Bao Han Nguyen

Fundraising Portfolio Head

Hi! We are Han and Nhi (Mary) from year 11 and our position for this year is Fundraising Portfolio Head. In 2023, with all the members of the Fundraising Portfolio, we hope to achieve many meaningful goals and raise lots of money from different interesting activities such as casual dress day and SRC day to contribute to the charity that will be given to those who need it. 

Vicky Truong

Wellbeing Portfolio Head

Hello, my name is Vicky Truong of 10H. I am this year's Wellbeing Portfolio Head: Secretary and I handle the note-taking during meetings. I want to build stronger connections with new people and improve the well-being of the school community, so please consider joining the well-being team!

Quyen Vo

Wellbeing Portfolio Head

Hello, my name is Quyen of 10J. This year, I am the SRC Head of Wellbeing and my main role is to spread awareness, manage events and help maintain a healthy mindset for everyone in our community. I hope to make others look forward to what we will bring to this school, meaning we encourage everyone to join and become a part of the well-being portfolio! :)

Lena Vo

Wellbeing Portfolio Head

Hello my name is Lena of 10H, I am this year's Wellbeing portfolio head and my main role is to lead the wellbeing team and plan events to endorse the importance of wellbeing. I hope to emphasise and spread awareness about wellbeing and encourage student voice. Join us in the wellbeing team, everyone is welcome! 

Dat Vu

Environment Portfolio Head

Hello, my name is Dat Vu from 11D. I am the Environment Portfolio head of 2023. My main focus is on the environmental issues we face around the school and how that effects the world around us. Nevertheless, I often collaborate with the Education and Maintenance Portfolio to further enunce student voice at our school.

Angela Wu

Education and Maintenance Portfolio Head

Hello my name is Angela Wu and I am a student who has a passion for medicine and science, and who wishes to share this with others. In my school's SRC, I am the head of the Education and Maintenance portfolio in which I gather input from my portfolio.

Maramawit Mengesha

Social Events Portfolio Head

Hello. My name is Maramawit Mengesha, I am in year 10 representatives of the social events portfolio. For this year, I plan to host different events and ensure that all students of braybrook collage feel welcomed and safe to participate in different actions and activities. 

Nuhamin Wanaw

Social Events Portfolio Head

Hi everyone my name is Nuhamin Wanaw and I am one of the three social portfolio heads for this year. I’ll try my best to host different activities, and make sure everyone has fun. I hope everyone has a great year!

Christina Geressu

Social Events Portfolio Heads

My name is Christina Geressu, from 10J. I organise social events for the Braybrook Secondary College community in my role as a member of the SRC. Alongside Maramawit and Nuhamin, who are also in the Social events portfolio, we make sure that we can convey delight and fulfillment to our peers.

Interested in becoming a Portfolio member?

It's not too late! Write a quick application to join now or come to portfolio meetings every Wednesday at lunch