Welcome to the Wellbeing page!

What is the Wellbeing Portfolio?

Wellbeing involves all dimensions of health and our aim as a portfolio is to support students so that they can lead happier and healthier lives! To ensure students lead healthier lives, we will implement and provide approved initiatives and resources to students for their own personal use. Additionally joining the portfolio also means you get to be involved in many activities and further develop your understanding of what wellbeing is to you!



International day of Friendship is a special day where multiple countries celebrate friendship. International Day of Friendship is celebrate to enhance the friendship between people, countries, cultures and individuals to inspire peace. This day can be celebrated through spending quality time with with your friends, where you could arrange an activity to do together. 



Quyen Vo



Vicky Truong



Lena Vo


What are we currently doing to enhance wellbeing at Braybrook College?

Breakfast Club

Opening & closing: 8:00 am - 8:40 am

Open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

 We welcome all Year 7 and 8 students for free breakfast!

Wellbeing dog

Keiko! The school's very own wellbeing dog! 

Come see her is in the wellbeing office! 



The winning team with our portfolio heads!

Dodgeball Tournament

The Dodgeball Tournment was an event based around Body Awareness Month-- with the purpose of encouraging our students with unique body types to enjoy a fun game. Here is a picture of the winning team: 

What We Did!

This event consisted of approximately 120 students, across all year levels, battling against each other. The event was spread across 2 lunch-time periods as there was a large amount of students involved. We organised scheduled matches to ensure that this event was running as smoothly as possible. As well as this, our matches commenced on the Synthetic Soccer Pitch. Although the wind was making things difficult, we are proud to say that this tournament was a huge success!

Our students in the middle of an intense match, which occured on the Synthetic Soccer Pitch!

National No Diet Day

International No Diet Day is a day to celebrate and accept all bodies, in all forms of diversity. A day to remember and focus on why we fight against body discrimination, weight stigma and diet culture. On this day our team went around the school with fruit platters to promote body image.

What We Did For The Day!

On Friday the 5th of May 2023, the SRC Well-being Portfolio decided to celebrate and embrace the diversity of body shapes by giving out and offering platters of fruit across our school to spread awareness for No Diet Day and Body Awareness Month. The fruit platters were a success as we cleared all the fruit platters and were able to inform people what we were spreading awareness towards. 

National Day of Taking Action (NDA) Against Bullying And Violence

NDA Against Bullying And Violence is an opportunity for schools to create a shared understanding about bullying behaviours, and outline bullying prevention policies at their schools. The main focus of the day for this year was to "grow connections" to help prevent the occurrence of bullying and violent behaviour.

What We Did For The Day!

On Friday the 18th of August, the Well-being Portfolio and Social Events Portfolio held an event to promote awareness of the National Day of Taking Action Against Bullying and Violence. On this day, we set up a table with assorted coloured paper where people could trace their hands and write a kind message on the hand and on another table were strips of coloured paper where people wrote their names and decorated them which were added onto a paper chain, representing the growing of connections and the idea of togetherness. 


R U OK? day is a health promotion charity that emphasises that a conversation can help others through difficult times and encourages people to stay connected. R U OK? also promotes and contributes to suicide prevention by enouraging others to invest more attention and time to personal relationships and their support network - friends, family and associates - having a conversation could help identify signs of stress or difficulty.

What We Did For The Week!

On Wednesday the 13th of September, we hosted a thrilling event in honour of RUOK day/week. We were excited to introduce a basketball showdown, TEACHERS against STUDENTS. This event was held to spread awareness to those who are struggling with their everyday lives. This year's theme is "I'm here to hear", reinforcing how you don't need a qualification to talk to someone about their mental health. This event helped emphasise connectivity and inclusiveness within the Braybrook College community!