Education & Maintenance

Hello and Welcome! Please read on to find out all about the Education and Portfolio Team

Please read to the end and send a message about any issues you find around the school or improvements that should be made!

Welcome to the Education and Maintenance Portfolio Page !

Education and Maintenance Portfolio 

See something that needs improving?  Tell us! 

What Does the Education and Maintenance Portfolio do?

The Education and Maintenance Portfolio team aims to be the voice for students who are passionate about improving Braybrook College's Education system and the school's facilities, our portfolio has already implemented many of the past and current student's ideas and suggestions. 

Why should you join the Education and Maintenance Portfolio?

we want YOU to come and join us!  Be a voice for the students!!

Meet the team! 

Snippets of our Weekly Meetings - Come join us and discuss the important issues around the school and listen to the requests of the students. 

Let us hear your voices! Would you like to suggest any maintenance changes or improvement in our school community? If so, tell us by answering the google form below!

We Look Forward To Meeting You and Hearing Your Ideas!