Welcome to SRC 2023!

SRC 2023

Welcome to the SRC website! 

This is a website for everyone to check out what SRC is working on and what projects are running! We hope that 2023 is filled with action, change and even more input from YOU guys! SRC is an inclusive group where students' voices can be heard open to anyone who wants to join.

Have fun scrolling through our website, where we have weekly updates, blogs, and so much more. 

Monthly Updates 

SRC DAY 2023
We are excited to announce that SRC Day is to come back again this year!

SRC Day will be on the 9th of August, Term 3

Please come along, have lots of fun and meet lots of new people.

This is a great chance for you to come and join the SRC as well! We welcome all year levels at any time of the year!

Wendy and Laura, SRC co-presidents of 2023 :)

Maribyrnong Major Visit
Wednesday the 3rd of August 2022

The SRC hosted an onsite visit for the Mayor for Maribrynong: Anthony Tran. The Major talked to the SRC as a collective (and other student visitors), to give us a motivational word about how we as young people should approach leadership in the future.

Myself and the SRC Vice President (Adil Jakupi 11D) gave Anthony Tran tour of the school, highlighting the works of each faculty and visited (he was very impressed by our resources eg. solar panels on the new Science Centre, Music Gardens, Woodworks Building etc). Anthony Tran was also intrigued by our Wellbeing Facilities, International Students program, SRC declaration for a Climate Change emergency, and the Power Collective and Wavelength groups. 

Danielle Pantalita - SRC President

Green Week
8th - 12th August 2022 

During week 5, the SRC Environment Portfolio held a Green Week to raise awareness, and promote positive changes in regard to our habits that could impact the environment negatively. 

On Tuesday, we started the week off with a bang raising $130, through a lucky ticket draw in collaboration with the SRC Fundraising Portfolio, for the World Wild Fund, a conservation organisation based on wildlife preservation, and aiming to reduce human impact on the environment. 

Throughout the week, we also had aluminium can collection sites set up around the school. These were special bins stationed in accessible areas for students to discard their cans. These aluminium cans were then collected and sent to our local recycling centre.

And last but certainly not least, the Environment Portfolio teamed up with the STEM club to host a water filtration competition in the Science Centre. Students watched an educational video and then created their own water filtration device out of recycled bottles, sand, and other materials. Congratulations to the following students, who placed in the top three of the water filtration competition:

1st place: Charleen 10E

2nd place: Queenie 10F, Crystal 10D

3rd place: Blessing 10E

Victoria Tsobanis & Tiffany La - Environment Portfolio 

Calling All MuA's
The SRC Makeup Challenge is back from its peak in 2021! This challenge was open to all students to express their imaginations and creativity through make up. Congratulations to Jennifer from 12B with her stunning winning look! Beautiful job Jennifer!

Trisha Vaddiraju - Social Events Portfolio 

What has the SRC raised money for this year? (2023 updated)

Term 1: On the 31st of March a total of $1500 was raised towards our annual donations, the ‘Child Sponsorship’ Child Fund charity.

Term 2: The Fundraising portfolio collaborated with the Social Event portfolio and the Power Collective to celebrate Multicultural Week with a fashion show, a talent show and also a Casual Dress Day with a multicultural theme. It was so wonderful and unforgettable seeing so many young talented students showcase their talents and the beauty of their traditional clothing in the shows. We also appreciate the amazing cheering and support from Braybrook College Community towards our participants! 

+ Casual Dress Day: $1450 was donated and raised towards the "Mercy Ships" Organisation. This charity provides ships that sail around the world to provide healthcare services and aid to people in developing countries. 

Nhi Canh and Han Nguyen 11I- Fundraising Portfolio 

I.Fashion show (22/5)

Collaborating with Fundraising Portfolio, Social Portfolillo heads along with the Power Collective with the help from other SRC members, students and teachers. 

II.Talent show Day-1 (24/5)

Ran in the Music Centre by Fundraising Portfolio with the help of Ms Hobbs and other music teachers. It was our pleasure to have Ms Hadz, Danielle and Wendy as judges for this show. 

III. Talent show Day-2 (26/5)

Another catch-up day for the Talent show was organised due to the surprisingly large number of signing up. Special thanks to the audience for cheering and showing your love to our contestant.  

5th - 9th of September 2022 

National R-U OKAY Day this year was on the 8th of September. ‘RUOKAY Day’ reminds Australians that it is important to ask your friends, family, students and peers ‘Are you okay?’. These conversations are important to have with one another to endorse social connectedness and positive mental health. The fantastic Wellbeing team organised a whole week of activities that reminded the Braybrook College community of the importance of healthy and active Wellbeing! 

Secret boxes where placed outside of the Library where students could write down questions they had about Mental Health, or even  nice comments they had about their friends. Dodgeball tournaments were also held by our wonderful team, and this was a big hit! The SRC dodgeball tournament gathered the whole school out onto the soccer pitch - it was an amazing turnout! Finally we had several fruit platters made to offer to the staff and students of our community, as a healthy reminder that Wellebeing doesn’t just come from the mind! 


Thank you to all the students that participated in the 2022 Dodgeball Tournament. Congratulations to ‘RLXDK’  Reyaan Farooq 10G,  Liam McCartin 10J, Xavier Kardachi 10D, David Nguyen 10X, Khai Huynh 10D for winning this year’s tournament. Well done boys! 

Wendy Quach and Laura Boden - Wellbeing Portfolio

 Do YOU want to be a part of the SRC?

As a member of SRC, you can express your thoughts and opinions and we can help facilitate them! Our SRC team  needs people like YOU who are creative, committed and conscientious. 

Keen to join us? Click here to find out more.

 Who runs the team? 

There is SO much that goes on in the background of SRC. As a collective, we all work together to create and drive CHANGE. Come see behind the scenes and a little description of who we are - click on the 'meet the team' tab! :)