Developing a Rule of Life

Developing a Rule of Life

Pastor Richard Hovey

Stephen Macchia writes: "Your personal rule of life is a wholistic description of the Spirit-empowered rhythms and relationships that create, redeem, sustain and transform the life God invites you to humbly fulfill for Christ's glory." What could you include in your day, week, month, and year that would create a rhythm to your life which positions you to best serve God. As you are probably aware, plants position themselves to receive as much direct light as possible from the sun. A rule of life reflects on the practices of the spiritual life and asks the question: which of these practices will best position me to receive the most from the Lord? Now it needs to be noted, no matter what we do, it is ultimately up to God how much he chooses to reveal to us; yet, we ought to do whatever we can to be ready to receive from him all that he has for us.

Ken Shigematsu states: "A rule of life helps develop a life patterned on proven practices that help cultivate character and contribute to the world." What practices could you include in your life to help you cultivate character? Think of disciplines such as bible reading, prayer, confession, solitude and silence; which of these might be helpful for you during this season? What practices may help you contribute to the world? Hospitality, service, simplicity, and submission are a few that come to mind that might help you in this way. Are there two or three of these that you could be intentional about at this time in your life? As you plan, decide which ones will be daily activities, which ones weekly, and which ones monthly. Again, the goal is to experience God more in your day to day life. Shigematsu goes on to write: "A rule of life is simply a rhythm of practices that empowers us to live well and grow more like Jesus by helping us experience God in everything."

An article for the C. S. Lewis Institute explains all of this well. It notes that a Rule of Life is an intentional pattern of spiritual disciplines that provides structure and direction for growth in holiness. A Rule establishes a rhythm for life which is helpful for being formed by the Spirit, a rhythm that reflects a love for God and respect for how he has made us. The disciplines which we build into our rhythm of life help us to shed the "old self" and allow our "new self" in Christ to be formed. Spiritual disciplines are means of grace by which God can nourish us.
