
Deepening our Reasoning in Reflection

We already started to transition into some reflection in the last couple of disciplines under reasoning: examen and journaling. In these two disciplines we were still seeking to understand God's work in our day to day lives, how he is moving in us - transforming us - while also requiring some personal reflection on our part. In this next set of disciplines we want to focus more on the reflecting piece of our spiritual formation. Having gained a sense of who God is through his Word and how he works in our world and in our lives, how do we deepen this relationship with him - getting to know him more profoundly in the depths of our own being and begin to align our lives more fully and completely to his will?

Paul stated in his letter to the church at Galatia: "I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). Reflecting on the love of God in Christ through the following practices ought to help us live by faith in him.

Only to sit and think of God,

Oh what a joy it is!

To think the thought, to breathe the Name,

Earth has no higher bliss !

Frederick Faber

To guide us in our reflection, we will look at the following disciplines of the spiritual life: