
The Discipline of Simplicity

Pastor Richard Hovey

Defining Simplicity

“Simplicity is not an renunciation of material goods. Living simply does not mean we have to denounce material goods and condemn those who have them. . . Simplicity does not lead to a life of poverty. Living simply and living poorly are two distinct set of circumstances. To live simply doesn’t mean that we are constantly in a state of need. . . The one who lives simply is oriented in their acquiring, possessing, and consuming by what they need to survive, and maybe just enough to live a tad bit comfortably. . . One who lives simply does not go beyond their means of living. They do not get, keep, or use more than they need.”

Kyle Bennett, Spiritual Disciplines for the Life of the World

"Simplicity is the only thing that sufficiently reorients our lives so that possessions can be genuinely enjoyed without destroying us. Without simplicity we will either capitulate to the 'mammon' spirit of this present age, or we will fall into an un-Christian legalistic asceticism. Both lead to idolatry. Both are spiritually lethal."

Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline

Practicing the Discipline of Simplicity

  • Pay attention to what you buy and practice not buying more than you need. This can apply to clothes, food, tools, books, and so much more.

  • Rather than buying, borrow what you can of things that you do not need to own. For example, if there is a book that you want to read, see if it is in the library before you choose to buy it. This can also apply to things that you would use for a particular job that only comes up once in a while; for example, if you have a hedge that needs trimmed in your yard, rather than going out and buying a hedge trimmer, see if you can borrow one from a neighbour.

  • Have a look though your home: are there things you own that you have not used for some time? Consider giving those items away to someone who could use them.

  • Limit your choices (how many T.V channels do you really need? pairs of shoes? kinds of cereal?)
