Sir Tibbetts Wick

Congratulations Sir Tibbetts Wick 

2024 Therapy Dog Superstar - Say Hello to Mr. August!!

Congratulations Sir Tibbetts Wick, National Therapy Dog Superstar for 2024!  Therapy Dogs United (TDU) selected “Sir Tibbetts Wick” as one of twelve dogs across our nation! For us, it is both a pleasure and privilege to be of service. We are moved, and honored, with this recognition for all of the work Tibbs does! 

Tibbetts is featured as Mr. August in the 2024 calendar! Show your support for Tibbs by purchasing your own 2024 calendar!  Please use the link below!  You can also call Therapy Dogs United at (814) 456-DOGS (3647)!  Let them know you are a proud supporter of Sir Tibbetts Wick and share your story!  A sincere Thank You for all of your kindness, Love and support with Tibbs!  


To get your own copy of
Therapy Dogs United 2024
"Top Dogs of TDU" Calendar

Bubba, Mel and Sir Tibbetts Wick on 100.7 Star with the Bubba Family 3/13/2023!!

Top of the Day!! Everybody! Look who I got to visit?!! Bubba and Mel 100.7 Star!! They are two of my favorite people in the whole, wide world! I couldn’t wait to get through the doors!! 

I got to sit on their laps, play and they told everyone I was Mr. March!! One of Twelve Therapy Dog Superstars in the nation for 2023 and they are so proud of me!! They even had my calendar pic hanging up on the wall!! I just Love them to pieces! My human drove me so so didn’t have to rely on other transportation. I am also proud to represent Pittsburgh!! Thanks for all of your Love everybody! 

With Love, Sir Tibbetts Wick ❤️🐾✨

Congratulations to this well known, Beloved pup!! 

The Sir is one of 12 Therapy Dog Superstars selected across the United States for the 2023 National Calendar for Therapy Dogs United! Tibbs will be featured as Mr. March! Thank You to everyone who has supported, and Loved, this pup! STW has done more healing in such a short time - he is less than two years old! More to come! The calendar reveal was is in early November 2022!! 

Cheers to Sir Tibbetts Wick and to all of the other Therapy Dogs who help to change lives for the better!! And a special Thank You to Aunt Elissa, her pups and her crew for helping Sir Tibbetts Wick and me become who we are today! With Gratitude and Love To All!! 

Therapy Dog Superstar!
Sir Tibbetts Wick  Mr. March 2023!  

Say Hello To Mr. March & Congratulations Sir Tibbetts Wick! One of Twelve Therapy Dog Superstars Nationally for 2023!! We are beyond proud of this Super Pup and Love Him to Pieces!! Cheers to Mr. Tibb’s!!  

Sir Tibbetts Wick - Social Media


Instagram Link


More to come!!!