Shannon Petty Art Education

You Matter

Watch the video below: Author and Illustrator Christian Robinson reads his book, You Matter.

After you watch the video/read the story, you can follow the illustration at the end of the video to learn how he draws a T-Rex.

Now come up with a saying about how you matter. It could say something like "I'm Unique and I Matter." or "I'm Green and I Matter" or "Even though I feel alone, I Matter".

You can do another drawing that goes along with your saying (this could be anything you want) or use your dinosaur. Outline/trace your drawing using a dark color. You can use any kind of material - crayons, markers, colored pencils, sharpie. Color in your drawings using the same or a different material you used to outline your drawings. You could use watercolors this time too if you wanted.

Send me a video showing me what you did on the flipgrid below. Can't wait to see you and your drawings!

SEnd ME Your Art!

Below you can upload your art and tell me about it on Flipgrid or e-mail it to me at

Morningside Flipgrid

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This could be anything you are working on or done over the summer.

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