Stamp Mandalas

This one was done by Sandy Bruvand with UofU Art Ed


A mandala is a circular design that using starts in the center and grows outwards from there with different shapes, lines, and forms. "Mandala" means "circle" in Sanskrit and is a sacred symbol in both Hindu and Buddhist cultures. Mandalas can often symbolized a spiritual connection and be used a meditation tool.

The website on the left shows you how to draw a mandala step by step. Check it out! Another fun art project.

Rubber Stamp Mandalas

If you have a rubber stamp set that has letters use it! If you don't have any letter stamps do one with a stamp of an image. Or you could mix them together.

If you don't have any stamps at your house you could try stamping an object like the top of a bottle cap or just use a repeated pattern with a marker or crayon.

This mandala was made using only the letter A in stamp set. The A is turned in different directions starting in the center and moves outward. You can plan in out or just go for it and make up the design as you go.

Measure to the center of your paper

Mark the center going both ways into a cross

Or you can fold your paper in half going both ways

Now you have the center with the folds

Start your first stamp started outward from the center in a circular repeated pattern.

Watch the stop motion videos below to see how the stamps are added. Notice that they aren't perfect. You can see the edge of the stamp on the A sometimes, and the patterned didn't stay straight one the animal alphabet -- its ok. If you want to keep your design more straight you could make more pencil lines in the beginning (look at the website on how to make a mandala).