Newspaper Animals

Newspaper Cat

Make a cat using newspaper or a piece of magazine paper

You will need:

  • Paper a magazine or newspaper, or you could use any kind of paper - even wrapping paper

  • Small piece of black and another color. You can use solid colors or other darker pieces from magazines or newspaper

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Black marker, crayon, or colored pencil

Here are the instructions below:

Use of a piece of newspaper or magazine.

  1. Draw a bottom line with a black colored pencil, crayon, or marker

  2. Two lines that go up on the sides slightly inward

  3. Make a line on the top connecting them.

Cut out the body of your cat with scissors

Draw a wide U on another piece of newspaper or magazine

At the top of the U draw a line on each side that goes downward at an angle.

Draw a line for the head connecting the two ears

Cut out the head

Draw eyes by making frown and a smile that connect or make a football

Here are the pieces you need now: body, head, a small piece of colored paper for a collar, two eyes, a piece of black paper (you could choose a different color)

Draw two eyes - its like two frowns

Draw two lines coming down from the eyes and connect them

Draw a triangle on the bottom of the lines and color it in

Glue on your cut out eyes. You might have to redraw the line on the top of the eyes

Make two long eyeballs in the eyes

Draw his mouth with two lines curling out from the nose

Draw whiskers

Using the black sheet of paper, cut off a corner to make a triangle ear. You could also color this in with marker

Cut more triangles for stripes on the side of the body

Cut smaller triangles for his face

Glue them on

You can also draw them on

Check out this stop motion of the whole process below

This website has more animals out of newspaper and collage. Check them out especially if you are looking for a little more of a challenge