real advice

Socol Moran Partners are not consultants with canned presentations and pre-determined suggestions. We are not "keynote speakers," though we can do keynotes (preferably joined with workshops). We are not offering catch-phrases that go no further than Twitter.

We are advisors. Advisors to educational leaders ready to make transformational changes in their schools. Ready to begin creating schools truly designed for what today's learners need for their tomorrows.

We begin by observing with you, by understanding your schools and your students. Then we help you bring your current state together with your Zero-Based Thinking 'dream state.' Then, with our decades of experience, and our volumes of research, we help design your path to the future.

We can help you work with faculty. We can help you work with architects. We can help you reimagine your technology systems. We can help you choose furniture. We can help you work through needed support staff changes. But at our very best we can help you plan to change the full User Experience of your school(s), and can provide embedded, individualized advice all along your path.