How can we imitate God's love to others?

Write your answers in your prayer journal.

As sons and daughters of God, we are to imitate His love to others—even our enemies. Based on what we learned about our Father’s love for us, how can we imitate Him in our everyday lives?

  1. Jesus ministered to the sick, the weak, and the helpless. How can we ease the suffering of those who are sick or hurting?

  1. Jesus gave up everything, including His life, to save the world from sin and eternal death. How can we show love and kindness to not only our friends, but also to our enemies?

  1. When we were still enemies of God, He restored us to friendship and made us His very own sons and daughters. How can we promote reconciliation and peace with others? How can we promote peace and reconciliation with God?

  1. The God of glory gave up His throne in Heaven to walk among us—to feel our pain, to understand our weakness, and to give up His life as a ransom for the forgiveness of sin. If God can give up His throne and His life, in what ways can we humble ourselves to forgive, show kindness, and serve the people God puts in our lives?

  1. Jesus prayed for those who persecuted Him and blessed those who cursed Him. How does the understanding of God’s love change our attitude toward others? How does prayer change our attitude toward others?

  1. God offers His gift of salvation to everyone—no one is excluded. What are some ways we can share the good news of God’s love with others and invite them to be a part of the family of God?

Dear Lord, thank You for Your example of love, that while we were still sinners, You died for us. Help us to be kind and to do good things, even to those who say and do mean things to us. We love You, and ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Iesodo - Love Your Enemies

Even after Zach the tax collector comes to visit and takes more than his share, Iesodo shows his flock that anyone is capable of changing.

Meet Iesodo (pronounced Yay-Sa-Doe), a wise dove whose name means “The Way of Jesus”! Watch as he and his friends bring your favorite New Testament stories to life in a whole new way! Iesodo and his friends live in the Holy Land in a beautiful Cypress Tree on the shores of a vast Lake (or as we know it, the Sea of Galilee). These birds are an unlikely group of friends, and though they have their differences, they have one thing in common: since they met Iesodo, their lives have never been the same!

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